Permaculture, Livelihood, Pathways Michel Thill Permaculture, Livelihood, Pathways Michel Thill

Permaculture Pathways: Ecosystem Restoration, Mycology and Small-Scale Farming

People come to take Permaculture Courses for a number of reasons: some want to adopt a new way of thinking and bring more creativity into the work they are already doing, others don’t find meaning in their current occupation and are looking for alternatives; some are looking to buy land hoping to run a homestead, while still others have a small garden at home and would like to get more in touch with the soil and produce a few things for themselves.

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Permaculture, Opportunities, Testimonials Michel Thill Permaculture, Opportunities, Testimonials Michel Thill

Building on lessons learned, our PDC comes to Monestevole again in October 2018!

Organising a Permaculture Design Course (PDC) is generally a great opportunity for a project or a community to integrate more of the Permaculture principles into their workings. Developing a well functioning Permaculture system however takes time… This is why I am excited to go back to Tribewanted Monestevole this coming October to deliver a second fully accredited PDC. It will be an opportunity to build on the lessons learned from last year’s course while continuing to build the Permaculture community across Europe.

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