Stinging Nettles

This a great time of the year to harvest stinging nettle (one of my absolute favourites) and have fresh in soups, stir fries, pestos or teas.. or as you see here, I’m drying the tips for tea later in the year..

I cut the rest of the plant to make a liquid fertiliser as nettles are not just good for us but also, with their high nitrogen content, for the early green growth of other plants.

You can see some comfrey in there too for a more balanced feed.
Soak in water for a few weeks, then dilute with water to apply to the roots of plants.

If you cut the plant rather then pull them out, they will grow back beautifully and you can have another, or multiple, harvests before they flower.

#permaculture #liquidfertiliser #tea #nettles #stimgingnettles #preservingfood #wildfood #drying #comfrey

Michel Thill

Michel is the founding director of Social Landscapes


From ornamental to forest garden


Observing Flow